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Section: Research Program

Research axis 1: analysis and control for population dynamics


Pierre-Alexandre Bliman, Jean Clairambault, Marie Doumic, Alexander Lorz, Benoît Perthame

Project-team positioning

Population dynamics is a field with varied and wide applications, many of them being in the core of MAMBA interests - cancer, bacterial growth, protein aggregation. Their theoretical study also brings a qualitative understanding on the interplay between individual growth, propagation and reproduction in such populations. In the previous periods of evaluation, many results where obtained in the BANG team on the asymptotic and qualitative behaviour of such structured population equations, see e.g.  [113], [59], [79], [68]. Other Inria teams interested by this domain are Mycenae, Numed and Dracula, with which we are in close contacts. Among the leaders of the domain abroad, we can cite among others our colleagues Tom Banks (USA), Graeme Wake (New Zealand), Glenn Webb (USA), Jacek Banasiak (South Africa), Odo Diekmann (Netherlands), with whom we are also in regular contact. Most remarkably and recently, connections have also been made with probabilists working on Piecewise Deterministic Markov Processes (F. Malrieu at the university of Rennes, Jean Bertoin at the ETH in Zurich, Vincent Bansaye at Ecole Polytechnique, Julien Berestycki at Cambridge, Amaury Lambert at College de France, M. Hoffmann at Paris Dauphine), leading to a better understanding of the links between both types of results - see also axis 3.

Scientific achievements

We divide this research axis, which relies on the study of structured population equations, according to four different applications, bringing their own mathematical questions, e.g., stability, control, or blow-up.

Time asymptotics for nucleation, growth and division equations

Following the many results obtained in the BANG team on the asymptotic and qualitative behaviour of structured population equation, we put our effort on the investigation of limit cases, where the trend to a steady state or to a steady exponential growth described by the first eigenvector fails to happen. In  [65], the case of equal mitosis (division into two equally-sized offspring) with linear growth rate was studied, and strangely enough, it appeared that the general relative entropy method could also be adapted to such a non-dissipative case. Many discussions and common workshops with probabilists, especially through the ANR project PIECE coordinated by F. Malrieu, have led both communities to work closer.

In  [77], the case of constant fragmentation rate and linear growth rate has been investigated in a deterministic approach, whereas similar questions were simultaneously raised but in a stochastic process approach in  [62].

We also enriched the models by taking into account a nucleation term, modeling the spontaneous formation of large polymers out of monomers  [122]. We investigated the interplay between four processes: nucleation, polymerization, depolymerization and fragmentation.

The ERC Starting Grant SKIPPERAD (Doumic) supported and was the guideline for the study of nucleation, growth and fragmentation equations.

Cell population dynamics and its control.

One of the important incentives for such model design, source of many theoretical works, is the challenging question of drug-induced drug resistance in cancer cell populations, described in more detail below in axis 4, Cancer. The adaptive dynamics setting used consists of phenotype-structured integro-differential [or reaction-diffusion, when phenotype instability is added under the form of a Laplacian] equations describing the dynamic behaviour of different cell populations interacting in a Lotka-Volterra-like manner that represents common growth limitation due to scarcity of expansion space and nutrients. The phenotype structure allows us to analyse the evolution in phenotypic traits of the populations under study and its asymptotics for two populations  [109], [106], [105], [107]. Space may be added as a complementary structure variable provided that something is known of the (Cartesian) geometry of the population  [108], which is seldom the case.

Mathematical models of infectious diseases

These models are made to understand and predict the dynamics of the spread of infectious diseases. We initiated studies with the aim to understand how to use epidemiological data (typically given through incidence rate) in order to estimate the state of the population as well as constants, characteristic of the epidemics such as the transmission rate. The methods rely on observation and identification techniques borrowed from control theory.

Models of neural network

Mean field limits have been proposed by biophysicists in order to describe neural networks based on physiological models. The various resulting equations are called integrate-and-fire, time elapsed models, voltage-conductance models. Their specific nonlinearities and the blow-up phenomena make their originality which has led to develop specific mathematical analysis [116], followed by [112], [101], [117], [67]. This field also yields a beautiful illustration for the capacity of the team to combine and compare stochastic and PDE modelling (see axis 3), in [72].
